Gina Flanagan- East Longmeadow High School

Sunday, November 18, 2012


As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, we often reflect on the things we have to be grateful for.  In terms of a learning community, East Longmeadow High School is very fortunate that we are in a community where so many parents and students understand and appreciate the value of a good education.  
We are very fortunate  to have teachers who are always looking to provide meaningful and rigorous lessons for their students so they can leave ELHS ready for the world.  Our teachers very work hard and we are thankful for their commitment.  
We are very grateful for our students who might not always agree with the policies in place here at ELHS, but understand the view for the greater good and are, for the most part, always respectful of the adults and their classmates in our building.   It is our students who inspire the adults at ELHS to work hard to give them the very best education around.  
We are grateful as well for our support staff:  our custodians, nurses, counselors, paraprofessionals and secretaries who make sure our building is safe and functioning smoothly.  Their role in our community is crucial and we could not function effectively without them.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work everyday in a place that is so inspiring, challenging and fun- where everyone understands that getting better every day is the focus and are willing to roll up their sleeves to learn and grow.  
Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I hope that the next year continues to bring you all many blessings.

Monday, November 12, 2012

ELHS Grad, Peter Gray, Living the Dream- Career Ready!

     On November 26, at 9pm, ELHS alum, Peter Gray will be competing on TLC's "Next Great Baker" show.  He will be competing against 13 contestants for a $100,000 prize and the opportunity to work in a nationally recognized bakery.  You can read more about Peter by visiting:
     While I did not know Peter, it filled me with great pride nonetheless to learn that one of our graduates was truly following their dream- in Peter's case, culinary arts.  From what I have learned about Peter, he was always very gregarious, so his  former culinary arts teacher, Ms. McMahon, was not surprised to learn about Peter's success.   Ms. McMahon still communicates with Peter so  there is no doubt that Peter received some strong encouragement and support while a student here at ELHS.
     There is a lot of buzz in the education world right now to really focus on making our students "college and career ready."  It's a great goal, but it seems to me that this has always been the goal of education.  This should not be anything new.  What is new, is the emphasis in the classroom and the tools used to motivate students.  The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pushing schools around the country to really focus on critical thinking, problem solving, media literacy and global awareness in addition to the core subjects.
     When I was in high school, the teacher was the center of the classroom.  All knowledge and information came from him or her.  We, students, sat and listened intently until we were given the cue to discuss or answer questions.  Some of my classmates did this dutifully, and some, we never heard a peep out of.
     The classroom landscape is quickly changing.  In order to be "college and career ready" and to acquire "21st Century Learning Skills,"  teachers are now being asked to facilitate the learning rather than be the sole source for learning.   In other words, make the students the center of the classroom.  Teachers are being asked to design lessons where students are doing more inquiry to find information and solve problems- all while collaborating and discussing with their classmates.  The classroom should no longer be completely silent.  Desks should no longer be primarily in rows.  It should be a place where the student voice is heard and the teacher is guiding the learning process along using all kinds of great technology and resources.  It's pretty exciting.   Knowing Ms. McMahon like I do, I bet, Peter had daily opportunities in his culinary arts class to be creative, figure out new recipes and work together with his classmates.  Way to go Peter Gray!