Channel 40's Britney Decker interviews ELHS students |
On Friday, February 28, 2014, Channel 40's Honor Roll Live segment, broadcasted the morning news LIVE at East Longmeadow High School. You can see the full segment by clicking here: ELHS on Channel 40
We were so excited to showcase all our amazing students and all the great things going on at ELHS. Over 150 students and staff showed up at 4:45am and spread the Spartan spirit all over Western Massachusetts. The band and cheerleaders led the way followed by the following groups: Chorus, Environmental Club, Robotics Club, Entrepreneurship Club, GSA, Hockey team, Track & Field team, Golf team, Journalism Club, T.V. Studio, and the Senior Project.
We were so proud of how all our students presented themselves! Thank you to all who came in early to show Western Massachusetts why we are the best high school around!