Gina Flanagan- East Longmeadow High School

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Getting Technology in the Hands of our Students

This Spring, I will be embarking on the research portion of my dissertation as a doctoral student at Boston College.  With only one year to go before I complete my doctoral program, I am very excited about have a more balanced life again.   The  focus of my dissertation is on effective technology integration leadership and will involve taking an in-depth look at MA school districts & leaders who have implemented successful 1:1 laptop, tablets or Bring Your Own Device initiatives.  It is an area that I am very committed to as an educator and try to model the effectiveness of technology with 21st century learning skills every chance I get.

I have tied my dissertation work in with my role as the facilitator of the district's Technology Committee.  Recently, ELPS submitted our five year plan to the MA Department of Secondary and Elementary Education.  It will soon be posted on our district and school website.  We are currently working hard to investigate other 1:1 districts and create an effective plan that will best fit ELPS.  Our hope is  that someday soon, every student will have equal access to some type of digital device that can be used in the classroom.

At the heart of a 1:1 technology initiative is how to embed technology into meaningful and rigorous lessons.  Lesson development that focuses on the "4 Cs"- creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication have to be the number one goal of any school who wants to maximize the use technology.  I have said over and over that you can have the most advanced technology out there in the hands of students, but if teachers are not using the devices to design highly effective lessons that focus on the 4 C's, it's just another fancy typewriter, slide show device, or organizer.  We'll keep you posted on our progress.